Please use our
Message Board for comments or
questions about the show, cast members, guest stars, music, Joanie's sweaters, location, storylines,
tapes, last week's episode, etc.
Yes, people associated with the show read your messages.
If you're looking for song title and artist, check the Music/Title Song section and the Episode Guide. If the song is not listed, post a question on the Message Board and any info you may have - air date, episode title, lyrics (a line or two), male or female artist, etc. If you're from the East Coast, be patient!
Email to the show and/or the actors will not be forwarded. Junk mail/spam will be forwarded to your ISP. Email us if you need to contact us about the website. Do not expect a reply. We have no obligation to update the fan site - just as you have no obligation to say thank you. Don't take anything for granted. Enjoy it while it lasts.